
It’s 3am. Do you know what your child’s blood sugar is?

Cell phones. What a great thing to have, right? Whether I am using it to follow her blood sugar over Dexcom, or just as a way for her to reach me quickly, I try to keep the phone on and nearby, even at night. Unlike most people, us T1D moms can’t really turn the phone off at night for a good night’s sleep. If you are like me, its the most convenient way to stay in touch with your kid, especially when an emergency strikes. Nobody told me what life would be like when that phone goes off regularly in the middle of the night. The threat of the cell phone going off at n


Judgement from family and friends

So the one thing nobody tells you about after diagnosis is the judgement. TV commercials encouraging diet and exercise. That's all it takes, right? I first realized that people were judging my daughter pretty harshly when my best friend called one day to apologize for it. She's an RN, educated about health, and even she didn't realize that a Type 1 diabetic didn't CAUSE their diabetes. She didn't realize that diet isn't a reason for Type 1. She didn't realize that my child can eat - in fact must eat - carbs to have energy, and must take insulin to get that energy. O