
Get That 504 Plan

One of the tougher challenges we faced -and are still facing- is the need for accommodations at school and/or work. Most parents of T1D kids understand that it is a disability, and sometimes we can't know about emergencies ahead of time to make good plans. My daughter normally fits in the range of "non-compliant" diabetic, like many other teenagers. So, before she went to high school, we started the process of putting together a 504 plan. This is something I recommend - even if your child is 100% compliant. We just never know when the carb count is off a little, or th


Well, What’s Happening is that Your Daughter has Diabetes…

I will never forget the way the ER doctor told me. It was so fast. I mean, we had only arrived at the ER minutes before. I've heard so many stories like mine through the years. Child feeling ill for the few weeks before the major event. Thirsty - aren't all kids thirsty at bedtime?! Constantly going to the bathroom - uh, yeah, same comment. Bed time = stall tactic central in my house. So, like a lot of other parents out there, I hear the complaints but I don't take it too serious. And so we get to the dreaded ER visit. My daughter was breathing so harshly, an